Social and recreation supports

Enhance your life with tailored social and recreation support services.

Supports for Social and Community Activities

Supports for Social and Community Activities are key to the NDIS achieving its objective to support people with a disability to achieve independence, social and economic participation.

Social and recreation activities are part of everyday life. These are activities everybody does for fun and can help with your health and wellbeing. They can also help you to meet new people and improve your skills. When we talk about support for social and recreation activity funded under the NDIS, we mean the extra help you need to take part in these activities because of your disability.

Supports for Social and Community Activities can include things like:

You will need to pay for the costs of the activity that everyone would pay for such as membership or entrance costs. We may then be able to fund the support you need to take part in the activity because of your disability.

You may need short term support to help you get started with your social and recreation activity. This short term support may build your skills so you can participate independently. Or, it could connect you with someone else who can regularly help you to participate. You might also need ongoing support to participate in social and recreation activities. If you need ongoing support we may fund this as well.

For example, you might need extra help to go to a pottery class because of your disability. You would need to pay for the cost of the class. We might fund a support worker to help you operate the pottery wheel if you need help because of your disability. Or, support you to attend a class if your disability means you can’t go on your own.

You may already have funding in the Core budget in your plan. You can use this for the help you need to participate in social and recreation activities because of your disability. Check with us if you aren’t sure how to use the funding in your plan for social and recreation supports.

Social Activities
Supports for Social and Community Activities are key to the NDIS achieving its objective to support people with a disability to achieve independence, social and economic participation.
Support Coordination
Our Support Coordinators will support you to understand and implement the funded supports in your plan and link you to community, mainstream and other government services.
Transportation and Travel
NDIS participant will most likely be able to access funding through the NDIS for transport assistance if you cannot access public transport without difficulty due to your disability.
Personal Care Supports
Personal care is a core support at FWBS. Our support workers are selected based on their skills and experiences to deliver Personal Care Supports.
Dev Of Daily Living
These supports are all about helping NDIS participants learn and master the skills necessary to live an independent and autonomous life.
Group And Centre Based Activities
Group Based Activities
Here support is designed to assist and encourage participants to join in community, social and recreational activities with a group.

Looking for an NDIS disability support provider that cares about your needs?

At Focused Wellbeing Services we value quality of care. Service delivery commences only once we have found the perfect support workers for your individual goals and needs.